Milk formula

When should I change from one feeding stage to the next? From what age can my child drink cow's milk?
Changing to a different formula or food is possible – but not a necessity. Your child is provided with all essential nutrients with the complete range of HiPP Milk Formulae (to be combined with paps when your baby is at an appropriate age to start weaning). It is important that your child is happy and full with the chosen formula. Changing to a different milk formula is not an issue, provided you adhere to the age and feeding recommendations.
The change should be gradual, introduced bottle by bottle, increasing the number of bottles that contain the new formula daily. In this way, your baby can get used to the new formula. You can also check to see if your baby is able to tolerate the new formula. You should not mix two different formulae in one bottle though.
During the first year of life, cow’s milk should only be given in small amounts (as an ingredient of a meal), but not a pure beverage from a bottle.
When your child is older, experts recommend growing-up milk for breakfast, on muesli, or as a drink consumed from a cup. It provides your child with important vitamins and minerals that are necessary for healthy growth. It has reduced protein content that is child-appropriate.
When should I change from HA formula to normal infant milk?
A consistent low-allergy diet in the first half year is decisive for the prevention of allergies.
Babies at risk of allergies should be fed only breast milk or hypoallergenic infant formula (HA formula) in the first six months.
Please do note that these measures for allergy prevention lose their effect as soon as normal infant milk formulae or non-hydrolysed special formulae, e.g. AR formulae or healing food, is given. Whether and how strictly a low-allergy diet should be followed from the 2nd half of the first year should be decided – with your doctor preferably – on a case-by-case basis.
You can expand your baby’s diet accordingly with HiPP’s low-allergen products.
How long can milk formula be given?
HiPP's infant formula such as HiPP 1 are ideal for an infant's diet from 0 - 6 months old while follow-on formula such as HiPP 2 and 3 are just right for the second half of the first year.
Follow-on milk contains more iron than infant formulae to ensure sufficient iron supply in the second half of the first year. There is no definite point in time to stop giving infant formulae. Infant and follow-on formulae may be given for as long as the child requires.
Infant milks are complete meals that are to be exchanged for a balanced diet step by step after the 4th month.
When your child is older than a year, they should drink milk as part of a meal. HiPP Growing-up Milk for 12+ months is perfectly suitable. It is adapted to special dietary needs of toddlers and is best served as part of a meal instead of cow’s milk. You can serve with a sandwich, in muesli, or just as a drink consumed from a cup between meals. Please remember that, at the latest, milk and other liquids should be drunk from a cup from the beginning of the second year. In this way, your child is encouraged to learn new skills. Constant sucking can be avoided, and their teeth are protected against tooth decay.